For those interested in enabling “Education Edition” within Minecraft: Bedrock we have got you covered. Our guide will walk you through the process step by step – just remember that this feature is not available on Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 devices. So if that’s what you’re using for gaming purposes then unfortunately this tutorial won’t be of much help to you! But otherwise feel free to give it a shot and see how much more fun learning can be with some added gameplay elements thrown into the mix!

Discover a new universe.
After logging into Minecraft and selecting the “Education Edition” toggle you can generate a new world for others to explore. This feature allows users to create immersive learning experiences that promote collaboration creativity and critical thinking skills. With endless possibilities at your fingertips its time to unleash your imagination!
To make changes in a preexisting world is impossible, so creating an entirely new one becomes necessary.
Select Creative Mode from the “Default Game Mode” drop-down.
If you’ve set your device to survival mode, switching between the education edition won’t be an option. This means that users who rely on this feature may experience some limitations in their ability to use certain functions or features within the system. It is therefore important for those using these devices to carefully consider whether they need access to both modes before making any changes to their settings.
To activate Cheats on Windows, simply click the switch next to “Activate Cheats” and turn it on. This will enable you to use cheat codes for various games or applications. Its a great way to enhance your gaming experience!
A colored switch will signal that it is activated. The activation status can be easily identified by observing the color of the switch.
If the switch is grey, “Education Edition” cannot be toggled.
To activate Education Edition on Windows Switch On simply click the adjacent switch. The colored indicator will indicate that it has been enabled successfully.
Click Continue.
Minecraft will prompt you to acknowledge the Education Edition before proceeding. Click Continue and enable this feature for customization purposes. You can then toggle any additional settings according to your preferences prior to moving forward with gameplay.
Click Create.
Activating Education Edition will generate your virtual world. Once you access the inventory screen, you’ll observe that there are additional features available for this platform. These additions provide an enhanced experience for users of all ages and learning levels. With these tools at hand educators can create immersive environments where students can explore new concepts in a fun way while still receiving valuable feedback on their progress along the way. This makes education more engaging than ever before!